Robert Rivest
Wellness, Laughter & Stress Relief

Wellbeing Laughter  Healthcare-Stress-Relief-Programs-1.jpg

Wellbeing Laughter & The Rivest Method of Joyful Living


Also see

Robert's New Website:


Wellbeing Laughter is a health and wellness practice that frees the body and mind of stress and anxiety in a light-hearted way. It uses science-based methods such as mindful breathing, gentle movement, and healing laughter as a fun way to optimize mental and physical wellbeing. This practice brings people together and unites them in a positive, shared experience of joyful laughter. Wellbeing Laughter lifts our mood in a matter of minutes and gives us a lighter perspective on life.


Wellbeing Laughter sessions vary depending upon the needs of the group. For some, it’s a super fun, energetic, free flow laughter session, bringing everyone together with roaring laughter. For others, it’s an exploration of mindful breathing and mindful movement that flows into gentle, interactive laughter exercises, winding down with a peaceful, calming, guided relaxation. Participants often say they feel “energized, alert, awake and more alive, yet very calm and peaceful.” Other frequently heard comments after a session include, “I feel like I can breathe and move easier.” “I feel lighter, brighter and free.” “This reminded me how wonderful it feels to laugh and smile.”


The laughter in a Wellbeing Laughter Session is a combination of real, authentic, spontaneous laughter, humor-based laughter, and intentional laughter.


Wellbeing Laughter can be done anywhere, anytime,

without any special clothing, equipment, or props.

It can be done sitting, standing, moving freely about the space, or lying down.


Wellbeing Laughter is the brainchild of Robert Rivest

Over the past 30 years, Robert has developed and taught 



The Rivest Method of Joyful Living

It is a creative fusion of Robert’s vast experience in 

The Performing Arts: mime, dance, theater, improv 

The Healing Arts: mindfulness, breath-work, yoga, tai-chi, qigong, and 

The Art and Science of Laughter: humor, comedy, and intentional laughter. 

Wellbeing Laughter pulls together the appropriate combination of the above, for each session.


Contact Robert for more information on Wellbeing Laughter sessions, trainings, keynotes and coaching.



The Rivest Method of Joyful Living is a synergy of Robert Rivest’s extensive experience in the performing arts, the healing arts, and the art and science of laughter. Through his in-person sessions and online teachings, Robert has helped thousands of people around the world live happier, healthier, more meaningful lives. His unique approach draws on his background in comic mime, dance, theater, improv, meditation, breath-work, yoga, tai-chi, qigong, and laughter yoga.


The Rivest Method of Joyful Living

Sessions, Workshops, Retreats:

Depending on the time, space, individual or group, Robert will share a seamless flow of the following:

  • Sitting, standing, walking & moving meditations
  • Breathing exercises to regulate energy & mood
  • A mind-body warm-up
  • Original tai-chi/qigong forms
  • Free-flowing laughter explorations
  • Tension/Release exercises
  • Mime, movement, improvisation & expression
  • How to embody happiness & joy
  • Positive visualization & nature imagery
  • Mindfulness in everyday life.


Contact Robert for more information on 

The Rivest Method of Joyful Living: sessions, trainings, keynotes, and coaching.




10 Health Benefits of Laughter

Lifts Your Mood: Laughter releases chemicals that make us feel good. (See DOSE below). When we feel good, we can do just about anything a little easier. Laughter helps us have a positive mindset. It can help us diffuse anger and conflict allowing us to see the humor in life. A good laugh can help us put our problems into perspective. Laughter is a great, quick pick-me-up. It’s also good for us over the long term. 


Laughter Releases DOSE! D.O.S.E. is the acronym for all the major “Happy” chemicals in our brains. These chemicals are Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins. The release of these chemicals makes us feel happy, motivated, significant, and connected, while at the same time, reducing pain, stress, and anxiety. Hope you have a good dose of laughter today.


Boosts the Immune System: Much of the dis-ease in the world today is caused or made worse by stress. Laughter reduces our primary stress hormones by increasing our intake of oxygen and stimulating our circulation. What’s more, laughter increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies (like T and B lymphocytes) improving our resistance to disease, bacteria, and viruses.


Decreases Stress: We produce serotonin when we laugh. That helps reduce stress hormones like cortisol, which build up when we experience sustained stress over time. Laughter stimulates circulation, reduces inflammation, and aids in muscle relaxation, which helps relieve the physical symptoms of stress. Laughter can ‘switch on’ the calming effects of our parasympathetic nervous system. It regulates our stress response, heart rate, and blood pressure, giving us a relaxed feeling when we finish laughing.


Improves Creativity & Productivity: Laughter can instantly relieve our body's stress response, soothing any tensions we are holding. It can help us be more creative and productive by improving our overall emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing. Laughter can lessen brain fog and enhance our problem-solving skills. A deep belly laugh can help our brain focus and concentrate, allowing us to stay on task. Laughter connects us and helps us feel more emotionally safe. Taking a healthy laughter break during the day can free our minds, helping us to see our situation from a new angle. This, and the ‘surprise’ component of laughter, gives our brain a boost in creativity, allowing us to think (and laugh) outside the box.


Increases Oxygen Levels: Laughing alone, or with others, can provide a great workout for our pulmonary, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems. Laughter makes our lungs work harder in a good way. When we laugh, our diaphragm, chest, and abdominal muscles tighten. This forces stale air out as we exhale, allowing fresh air to go deeper into our lungs when we inhale. Laughter expands the tiny air sacs in our lungs, giving us an expanded area for oxygen exchange. The increase in oxygen levels that laughter provides is similar to prolonged meditation and deep breathing exercises found in mindfulness practices.


Regulates Blood Pressure: Laughter is aerobic. When done enthusiastically, laughter is equivalent to other aerobic exercises. Laughing stimulates our muscles, heart, and lungs, and can even lower inflammation. This helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems such as strokes and heart attacks. Laughter works our muscles and stimulates several organs. The increased amount of oxygen entering our circulation dilates our blood vessels. Our blood flow rises and blood pressure increases a little, then drops down to baseline when we stop. A daily laughter practice lasting 15-20 minutes is good for the health of your heart and overall circulation.


Manages Pain: Laughter relaxes the muscles and helps the body to produce natural painkillers called endorphins. Endorphins promote an overall sense of ease and wellbeing. They essentially turn off our pain by blocking the nerve cells that receive the pain signals. Endorphins can also help us relieve moodiness and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Plus, laughing is fun. It gives us a positive mindset that can distract us in a good, joyful way.


Reduces Depression and Anxiety: Laughter practices are gaining popularity as a noninvasive and non-pharmacological alternative or additional treatment for anxiety, stress, and depression. When we have a good laugh, it reduces muscular tension and overall stress. Laughter can lower anxiety and irritation, which contribute to feelings of melancholy, sadness, or depression. In addition to releasing D.O.S.E, laughter helps bring us into the present moment. Laughter is a pleasurable, enjoyable way to bring us back to the here and now.


Brings Us Together: Laughter is a universal activity that fosters closeness in a group, contributes to group bonding, and helps us build trusting relationships. Humans use different types of laughter as social clues. We can even use laughter to negotiate a better way to live and work together. When strangers, friends, family members, and coworkers unite in laughter, they feel more connected and more at ease with one another. The release of feel-good chemicals like endorphins, allows us to open and share more with others. Having a good belly laugh with another person, or in a group, is an uplifting form of non-verbal communication that can create euphoric states. Laughing with others is a positive, memorable, shared experience of happiness and joy.



The Health Benefits of Wellbeing Laughter and The Rivest Method of Joyful Living 

These two health and wellness practices help participants receive a variety of health benefits by using real, authentic laughter, humor-based laughter, and intentional laughter. Wellbeing Laughter and The Rivest Method of Joyful Living also include elements of mindfulness, meditation, breathing exercises, tai-chi, qigong, pranayama, yoga, mime/dance, and guided relaxation. You will see some similarities to Robert Rivest’s list of 10 Health Benefits of Laughter. There is a powerful mind-body-health synergy with the laughter component of Wellbeing Laughter and The Rivest Method of Joyful Living.


Mindfulness Meditation

  • Enhances mental health
  • Improves self-awareness and generates empathy and kindness
  • Reduces distractions and memory loss
  • Increases concentration and attention span
  • Lowers pain and blood pressure
  • Improves mood
  • Reduces fatigue, stress, and anxiety
  • Increases body satisfaction
  • Improves sleep hygiene


Breathing Exercises, Breath-Work, and Pranayama

  • Improves the functioning of our lungs and increases the supply of oxygen
  • Helps detox the body and aides digestion
  • Lowers inflammation  
  • Reduces stress 
  • Strengthens abdominal muscles and improves movement of the diaphragm
  • Enhances cognitive functioning
  • Improves cardiovascular health
  • Minimizes the strain of physical exercise and improves the ability of the body to handle more intense physical workouts


Tai Chi, Qigong and Yoga 

  • Increases physical energy, vitality, muscle strength and tone
  • Helps with balance
  • Enhances concentration and deep breathing
  • Frees up the joints, improves flexibility and range of motion
  • Encourages cardiovascular (heart) and respiratory fitness
  • Stimulates the lymph system
  • Increases clarity and focus 
  • Lowers inflammation throughout the body 
  • Reduces depression, stress, and anxiety
  • Improves sleep and the ability to get more complete rest



  • Reduces the stress hormones adrenaline, noradrenaline, and cortisol. 
  • Releases tiny molecules in your brain called neuropeptides that help fight stress. 
  • Regulates blood pressure 
  • Improves respiration
  • Accelerates healing 
  • Stabilizes your mood 
  • Reduces pain and relaxes your muscles
  • Helps the body release feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins



  • Increases oxygen levels
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Reduces stress, depression, and anxiety
  • Lifts your mood
  • Brings us together
  • Releases D.O.S.E. (Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins.) 
  • Lowers stress hormones and decreases inflammation
  • Manages pain
  • Regulates blood pressure and blood sugar levels
  • Improves focus, concentration, creativity & productivity. 
  • *See Robert Rivest’s “10 Health Benefits of Laughter” for more details of each health benefit of laugher.


Mime, Dance, and Improvisation 

  • Engages both sides of the brain
  • Stimulates the reasoning part of the brain and facilitates learning 
  • Improves cognitive skills such as planning and organizing
  • Enhances brain-body connection and neural pathways
  • Activates sensory and motor circuits
  • Improves coordination, strength, and balance
  • Eases joint pain, reduces stiffness and inflammation. 
  • Improves mood, increases feelings of happiness, reduces anxiety and stress
  • Builds a stronger immune system
  • Improves imagination, creativity, and problem solving


Guided Relaxation 

  • Helps the body and mind recover from other activities
  • Slows heart rate, breathing rate, and mental activity
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Lessens activity of major stress hormones
  • Increases blood flow to major muscles
  • Reduces tension and pain 
  • Reduces anger and frustration
  • Improves focus and mood 
  • Improves digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels
  • Lowers fatigue 
  • Improves sleep quality
  • Improves coping abilities, confidence, and provides a sense of calmness


Many of the health benefits in the practices of Wellbeing Laughter and The Rivest Method of Joyful Living overlap and complement each other. Robert Rivest can put together the right combination of these practices for your session, group, or event.

Also see

Robert's New Website:



What is Wellbeing Laughter?


The Rivest Method of Joyful Living

What is The Rivest Method of Joyful Living?


10 Health Benefits of Laughter

10 Health Benefits of Laughter with Robert Rivest. Laughter is good for your health.


Health Benefits of Wellbeing Laughter & Rivest Method of Joyful Living

Robert Rivest lists the many health benefits of the practices in Wellbeing Laughter & The Rivest Method of Joyful Living


Contact Robert today to discuss the best program for you.

All Robert Rivest Programs can be done In-person or Online.
