Robert Rivest
Wellness, Laughter & Stress Relief


1:1 Coaching with Robert Rivest CMT. One on One and Groups Coaching in Laughter, Mindfulness, Mime & More

1:1 Coaching Laughter, Mindfulness, Mime & More Robert Rivest CMT 397985295_10160607129106590_3396539905805956644_n.jpg

Robert Rivest offers one-on-one coaching and group couching online and in-person.

1:1 Coaching & Mentoring in Laughter Yoga & Wellbeing Laughter 

  • Bring more Laughter into your life
  • Create a daily laughter practice
  • New Laughter Yoga & Wellbeing Laughter Exercises
  • How to laugh through good times and bad
  • Laughter relief from Anxiety & Stress 
  • Laughter with mime, movement, improvisation & expression
  • How to embody happiness & joy with laughter
  • Positive visualization & guided relaxation
  • Laughing with mindful moves, tai-chi & qigong flows
  • Create your own laughter style
  • Whatever you want to learn, let's be creative in our time togeteher

All Robert Rivest Programs can be done One on One, or in Groups Online or In-person


1:1 Coaching & Mentoring in The Rivest Method of Joyful Living 

  • Sitting, standing, walking & moving meditations
  • Breathing exercises to regulate energy & mood
  • Laughter Yoga & Wellbeing Laughter explorations 
  • Anxiety & Stress Relief Exercises
  • Mime, movement, improvisation & expression
  • How to embody happiness & joy
  • Positive visualization 
  • Mindful Movement Tai-Chi & Qigong 
  • How to more easily let things go and live in flow
  • The Rivest Method in everyday life.
  • Whatever you want to learn, let's be creative in our time togeteher

All Robert Rivest Programs can be done One on One, or in Groups Online or In-person


1:1 Coaching & Mentoring in Mime, Comedy & Public Speaking 

  • How to prep for a gig
  • Movement, mime and improv explorations
  • Mime articulations & Mime Illusions
  • Increase movement and expression options
  • How to embody what you want to express
  • Rhythm, timing, pauses, punctuation
  • Visializations for calmness & confidence
  • How to stand, move, breathe, flow seamlessly
  • Whatever you want to learn, let's be creative in our time togeteher

All Robert Rivest Programs can be done One on One, or in Groups Online or In-person


The sky is the limit. What can I help you with today?


“A coaching session with Robert is like the sunrise. 

It opens your heart and makes you feel so optimistic and hopeful. Robert is an excellent teacher with so many skills. I felt blessed to learn easy ways to incorporate a program to add to my practice and to share with others. Highly recommend a coaching session with Robert Rivest.” 

-Dave Gulick, Qigong Teacher 


"Learning from Robert is a fun, accessible, and meaningful experience.

He makes it easy to try new things like mime and laughter yoga without feeling self-conscious, and his joy is contagious. He has a multidisciplinary approach to movement that ties in helpful aspects of a variety of disciplines and art forms, which makes his instruction truly special. I highly recommend taking the time to de-stress while benefiting from his expertise."

-Jet, Performing Artist


"Thank you so much, Robert,

for sharing your time, your knowledge, your resources, your wide expertise built on years of experience, your passion, and your honest feedback to me today. I’m curious where this ride will take me. All I know is that I want to inspire others to live their most joyful selves. You’ve taken me a step further. Thank you, thank you, thank you! -

Celeste, Laughter Yoga Teacher & Laughter Wellness Facilitator


Contact Robert today to discuss the best program for you.

All Robert Rivest Programs can be done In-person or Online.
